EFM Contributors consist of three categories:
Political Contributors - This is open to all Members of the European Parliament.
Business Contributors - This is open to businesses of all sizes* whose activities give them a strong European presence and who are ready to subscribe to the EFM objectives.
Associate Contributors - This is open to non-governmental organisations or academic institutes that are likely to contribute constructively to the EFM objectives.
* Professional service companies whose business activities include to represent or advise business clients are supposed to subscribe in their own name and to demonstrate a legitimate interest resulting from their own business objectives and not from that of any of their clients.
Business Contributors are asked to support the achievement of the EFM's objectives and to make their best endeavour to participate in EFM’s debates.
Business Contributors pay an annual fee determined by the Board.
Associate Contributors may be asked to pay a nominal annual fee and contributions for each Forum.
Certain categories of Associate Contributors may be exempted from contributions at the discretion of the Board.
The contributions for the following year are announced at least 3 months before the end of the year. Contributors are billed at least one month before the beginning of the year to which the contribution relates. Payments are due by 1st April.
The Forum brings together MEPs with manufacturing companies.
European Commissioners, Directors General, their officials, the Council Presidency and Member State Representations, as well as trade unions, are also invited to contribute to EFM meetings.
Organisations which participate in EFM events include ABB, Agoria, Air Liquide, Airbus, Alcoa, Alstom, Atlas Copco, BASF, Bayer, BMW, Bombardier, Bosch, Caterpillar, CECE, CECIMO, CEEMET, Cenelec, Centrotherm, Cinetic Machining, Comau, Confemetal, Corus, Daimler, Dansk Industri, Dow, Dupont, EADS, Edison, Effra, Electerolux, Electrawinds, Electrolux, ERAMET, Ericsson, Eurometaux, Federmeccanica, Fiat, Ficep, Finmeccanica, FME-CWM, Ford, KEMPER, General Electric, General Motors, German Aerospace Centre, Goodyear Dunlop, Google, GSK, Henkel, Hewlett Packard, Hitachi, Heinz, Honda, Honeywell, Huawei, Huntsman, Hvalsø Savværk A/S, Hydro, IBERDROLA, IBM, Intel, International Paper, Jaguar Land Rover, Janssen Pharmaceutica, JLG Industries, JMC, Johnson & Johnson, Johnson Controls, Kellog, Komatsu, Kraft Foods, LG, Lilly, L’ÒREAL, LVD, LVMH, MAN, Mars, McDonalds, MESS, Michelin, Microsoft, Monsanto, Motorola, Nestle, Nokia, Norsk Industri, Northrop Grumman, Novartis, Novitech, Novo Nordisk Pharma, Opel, Orgalime, Panasonic Europe, Pernod Ricard, Pfizer, Philips, Pirelli, Procter & Gamble, PSA Peugeot-Citroen, Renault, Roldelettrotecnica, Saab, Scania, Schneider Electric, Shell, Siemens, SKF, STIHL, Symop, Tata Steel, Teknikföretagen, Toyota, Umicore, Unilever, VDMA, VINNOVA, Volvo, WKÖ, and ZVEI e. V. Electro and Digital Industry Association.